The GovReg® is a revolutionary secondary regulator solution for both commercial and home applications. So how does this secondary regulator work? First, keep in mind that you still need a primary regulator like the CMBecker primary beer regulator. Then you can go from this regulator to multiple GovReg® and they will act as secondary regulators. This means that you can independently control the pressure to each keg on your system. If you just want a couple of pressures, you can also use the GovReg® in conjunction with air distributors.
Want to learn more? Watch these videos showing how and where to use the GovReg®:
Adjusting the GovReg® Inline Secondary Regulator | How To Video (Click Here)
Converting My Keezer Using GovReg® Secondary Regulators | DIY Project (Click Here)
The GovReg® Secondary Regulator | Product Showcase (Click Here)